Doin’ the Walk

We went to the annual OSU Walk-around, and had a pretty great time! It was perfect weather. We didn’t stay too long because honestly – how much fun does an almost one year old have at those things? She was interested in people for a while, and then lost interest and just wanted some peace and quiet. So we sat in the grass on campus for about half an hour, close enough to feel apart of the festivities, yet far enough away to be quiet and relaxing. We always look for things to take Aurora to, thinking it will be this monumental moment for her… but most of the time she shrugs it off and doesn’t really care either way. Oh well, one day she’ll appreciate it. There is this list of things in my mind that I think, “Oh man, I can’t wait for Aurora to experience THIS for the first time, she’s going to LOVE it!” And then it happens and her reaction isn’t as huge as I expected it to be. But even knowing that, I still think that her first Thanksgiving meal will be awesome. It just will be.


Nature Walk

A couple Sundays ago, we decided to take a walk as a family through campus and ending up at Theta Pond. It was a beautiful day, and I’ve been trying to make more of an effort to get out of the house more. We love anything nature related in this house – and Aurora really enjoys being outside. I am in love with the weather lately.

Oh, and I can’t believe next month Aurora will be one. What?

Pleasant Surprise

My flower garden has done pretty well considering the horrendous weather that Oklahoma has been putting out this summer. There were a few casualties, but a good little group triumphed and are still standing tall. About a week or so ago, Alex and I noticed a stem pop up that wasn’t there before, and then another… and then one day, we see these.
Since we’ve noticed them, we’ve realized they are popping up all around our apartment and around my grandparents house as well. Apparently they were planted years ago, and occasionally they bloom during this time of year. I love them.