Many Faces

I am gearing up for this ball of cuteness to turn one. One. It’s been one year. ONE YEAR! I’ve been trying to tell myself that over and over so on the actual day I don’t turn into a complete pile of mush. But I fear that is impossible at this point. It just doesn’t seem real. Alex and I were looking through pictures of her from when she was born to now… and we are in shock mode. Or maybe denial? I don’t know. Regardless, it’s been such a mega year and we have loved every minute of it (even the not-so-fun minutes).

We were going to have a big birthday party with lots of decorations and food and babies, but due to certain events that we can’t miss, we decided to have a much more intimate party instead. And I’m okay with that. Honestly, the fact that she isn’t going to remember much of it makes it easier. But we will get lots of video and pictures and try to really focus in on the moment. Basically that means we’ll annoy Aurora to death with flashes and cameras in her face. I can’t help it. She’s just got that face.


Birthday (I would like you to dance)

Well, my 24th birthday was eventful. Alex took me to see Hunger Games, which was pretty good. Afterwards, we decided to go out to eat – but I didn’t know where I wanted to go. This usually ends up in us driving aimlessly trying to find a place and then eating somewhere easy and quick because by then we’re starving. Just like expected, we ended up chatting until we ended up in downtown SLC… still not knowing where to eat. Parking was a joke due to the new mall, so we decided to go to the Gateway and eat at California Pizza Kitchen. Parking was crazy there, too – and after tons of driving and other people in front (and in back) of us getting parking spots, we finally found a spot at the literal bottom of the parking garage. The baby was getting fussy, and so we grabbed her and went into the restaurant. We didn’t really consider the fact that it was a Saturday night, so of course it was jam packed. It was loud and noisy and we fed the baby in the “waiting area” which was basically non-existent due to how many others were waiting. After about 25 minutes (and me considering at least 20 times to just leave and get something quick on the way home) we got a table. We ordered a salad to split, and the baby was in a groovin’ mood, so we basically scarfed our salad (with little to no conversation) and asked for the check. Didn’t even get the red velvet cake… which was the whole basis of being there, really. But I think we ate in 10 minutes and headed home, exhausted.

(During the 25 minute wait)

We came home, and Alex said he’d take over bath duty (we usually do it together) and that I should go buy a cake or something for dessert. I went to Harmons, and honestly their cake selection looked less than thrilling. So I got the ingredients for Orange Julius’ and some Oreos. We came home and just sat there in blissful silence. The baby had a couple grumpy attacks while we were trying to lull her to sleep (probably due to the craziness of the evening) but exhaustion won in the end and she was asleep by 9:00. Ma and Pa were out by 10:30. It was a good night for tired parents everywhere.

Yet another rock-star decision of Alex and Rachel. Soon we’ll be well versed in “Baby Basics: What NOT to do.” I’m thinking taking a hungry, tired, squirmy baby to a loud, full restaurant is in chapter one somewhere… Sigh.

Better luck next year?!