Too Cool

We have been living at the pool – or so it seems – this summer. I feel like we have actually made the most of our summer, and Aurora has grown to love swimming. We went today, and she fell asleep on the way there and was asleep for most of the time. Thankfully, she woke up and got her tan on at least for a little bit. She even got to borrow her cousin Rylee’s sunglasses. She was working it.

Already lamenting the end of summer.

Feathering the Nest and Swimming Adventures

Lately I have found that I love finding gems from my family to surround myself with. We’ve moved 6 times since we’ve been married, and the place we currently reside in will most likely be our “home” for the unforeseeable future. That in mind, I have really made a conscious effort to “feather my nest” in a way that I will be happy with for a long period of time. We have changed our minds and tastes (over and over) as far as decor is concerned, but I’ve realized as I have become older that different things are more important. Pictures, heirlooms, artwork of a religious significance… they are what I love.

That is an original painting from my great grandmother, Lila McElwain. Growing up, she scared me – solely because she was old and I was very, very young. She passed away a few years back, and my grandparents have always had her artwork up in their house. My mom said that there were un-displayed pieces of art in the closet, and that I needed to find one for myself. I saw this, and knew it was meant for me.

The reason for my blogs (I have a private one with more personal entries) are for my posterity. They are for Aurora, and her children, and their children. I want them to know me and know what my life was filled with. It’s a pretty radical thing when you can connect with an ancestor that you have never met.

On another note, we had swimming part two today, and it was a major success! Aurora wasn’t smiling a lot or anything, but she wasn’t crying. And that’s a winner in my book.

Livin’ for summer days.

Polka-Dot Princess

We took Aurora to the pool for the first time today. Needless to say, she hated it. Except at the end, when we were leaving, which was when the prior pictures were taken. She did rock that swim-suit though, right?


Better luck next time?